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From cultures to packaging, including equipment, here is our range of products.

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WhiteDaily 80 Freeze-dried 50 u

Blend of mesophilic homofermentative and thermophilic lactic acid cultures This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly.

This culture does not produce CO2.

The culture is used in the production of White Cheeses, Feta or UF products.

Depending on production process, the texture will be firm with some holes or closed.

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MO-10 Freeze-dried 50 u

Mesophilic homofermentative culture, type O.

This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly.

This culture does not produce CO2.

The culture is primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types with no eyes and short texture (e.g.Pecorino) and soft cheese specialties.

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LAF 4 Swing Freeze-dried 10 u

Selected yeast single strain with origin in traditional French cheese making.

SWING® LAF cultures are an important tool in cheese making since they may be used to affect curd neutralization, texture and flavor.

Yeasts are common in traditional raw milk cheeses but ar rarely found in industrially produced cheeses.

Therefore adding selected and controlled yeast cultures to the cheese may improve quality.

The yeast culture may be used to provide a balanced flavor and medium to high levels of CO2 formation in Kefir type products.

The culture will provide flavor and medium to high CO2 formation.

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LAF 3 Swing Freeze-dried 10 u

Selected yeast single strain with origin in traditional French cheese making.

SWING® LAF cultures are an important tool in cheese making since they may be used to affect curd neutralization, texture and flavor.

Yeasts are common in traditional raw milk cheeses but are rarely found in industrially produced cheeses.

Therefore adding selected and controlled yeast cultures to the cheese may improve quality.

Selected yeast single strain with origin in traditional French cheese making.

SWING® LAF cultures are an important tool in cheese making since they may be used to affect curd neutralization, texture and flavor.

Yeasts are common in traditional raw milk cheeses but are rarely found in industrially produced cheeses.

Therefore adding selected and controlled yeast cultures to the cheese may improve quality.

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STI-13 Freeze-dried 500 u

Thermophilic lactic acid culture.

The culture is primarily applied in Pasta Filata cheese types e.

g Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.

The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, e.g. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus and Lactobacillus helveticus.

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TCC-20 Freeze-dried 50 u

Defined thermophilic lactic acid culture.

The culture is primarily applied in the production of Pasta Filata cheese types, e.g. Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.

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STI-13 Freeze-dried 50 u

Thermophilic lactic acid culture.

The culture is primarily applied in Pasta Filata cheese types e.

g Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.

The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, e.g. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus and Lactobacillus helveticus.

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SALSA 2 Swing Freeze-dried 40 u

A selected single strain ripening culture with origins in traditional cheese making.

SALSA is used to flavor cheeses where sulphur/traditional raw milk cheese aroma is desired.

The culture may also be used to affect texture or for coloring thesurface of smeared cheeses.

The culture may be applied in the production of all smeared and mixed rind cheeses.

The cultures contributes to soften cheese body and may reduce ripening time.

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YF-L811 Freeze-dried 50 u

Thermophilic YoFlex® culture.

The culture will produce yoghurt with very mild flavor, very high viscosity and very low post-acidification.

Suitable for cup set, stirred and drinking youghurt.

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CHN-22 Freeze-dried 500 u (Box of 20 pouches)

Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD.

The culture produces flavor and CO2.

The culture can be used in the manufacture of the following products - soft cheese with slow acidification (Lactic cheese, Camenbert, Blue Cheese) - cheese varieties with eyes (Gouda, Edam) - fermented milk products manufactured by separation method (Sour Cream, Fromage Frais) - lactic butter.

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WhiteDaily 82 Freeze-dried 50 u

Blend of mesophilic homofermentative and thermophilic lactic acid cultures This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly.

This culture does not produce CO2.

The culture is used in the production of White Cheeses, Feta or UF products.

Depending on production process, the texture will be firm with some holes or closed.

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PCA3 Swing Freeze-dried 10 u

Selected mold strains with origin in traditional cheese making.

SWING® PC culture is an essential ingredient in the ripening process of white mold cheeses for its role in coloring the surface of the cheese, and contributing to the flavor and texture, as well as protection against contaminants.

The strains may be used on soft cheese with lactic features, camembert/brie types, Tomme, UF soft cheeses, stabilized soft cheeses and soft cheese with rennet features.

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FLORA-DANICA Freeze-dried 500 u

Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD.

The culture produces flavor and CO2.

he culture is primarily used in the manufacture of Continental cheese types (Gouda, Edam, Leerdam, Samsoe) and soft cheese types (Lactic cheeses, Camembert, Blue cheese).

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STI-12 Freeze-dried 50 u

Thermophilic lactic acid culture.

The culture is primarily applied in Pasta Filata cheese types e.

g Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.

The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, e.g. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus and Lactobacillus helveticus.

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LAF-TRIO Swing Freeze-dried 10 u

Selected yeast strains with origin in traditional French cheese making.

SWING® LAF TRIO is a blend of defined yeast strains.

They have been especially selected for their ablity to prevents the growth of contaminant at the surface of the cheese.

The synergetic effect from the strains inhibits contaminant, e.g. blue molds and mucor.

Yeast cultures may be used in lactic curd, soft cheeses with washed surface and Continental cheese with natural rind.

Yeast cultures may be used in lactic curd, soft cheeses with washed surface and Continental cheese with natural rind.

The culture works in different ways:

  • by generation a protective film on the cheese surface
  • by allowing the consumption of residual sugars
  • by accelerating the curd neutralisation.

The culture works in different ways:

  • by generation a protective film on the cheese surface
  • by allowing the consumption of residual sugars
  • by accelerating the curd neutralisation.

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WhiteDaily 41 Freeze-dried 50 u

Homofermentative culture blend.

The culture does not produce CO2.

The culture is used in the production of White Cheeses, Feta or UF products.

Depending on production process, the texture will be firm with some holes or closed.

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YC-381 Freeze-dried 50 u

Thermophilic YoFlex® culture.

The culture will produce yoghurt with strong flavor, high viscosity and some postacidification.

Suitable for cup set, stirred and drinking yoghurt.

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R-704 Freeze-dried 50 u

Mesophilic homofermentative culture, type O.

This Chr.Hansen culture range provides phage resistant defined strains for continuous Direct Vat Set (DVS) use.

This culture contains specially selected strains chosen for their phage resistance and ability to produce lactic acid quickly.

This culture does not produce CO2 .

The culture is primarily applied in the production of cheeses with a closed texture, e.g. Cheddar, Feta and Cottage cheese.

The culture can be applied in other fermented dairy products, in combination or not with other lactic cultures.

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STI-14 Freeze-dried 500 u

Thermophilic lactic acid culture.

The culture is primarily applied in Pasta Filata cheese types e.

g Mozzarella and Pizza cheese types.

The culture can be applied alone or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, e.g. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus and Lactobacillus helveticus.

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YC-X11 Freeze-dried 200 u

Thermophilic YoFlex® culture.

The culture will produce yoghurt with mild flavor, high viscosity and low post-acidification.

Suitable for cup set, stirred and drinking yoghurt.

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FLORA-DANICA Freeze-dried 50 u

Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD.

The culture produces flavor and CO2.

This range provides cultures with fast acidification properties at a low inoculation rate.

The culture is primarily used in the manufacturing of Continental semi-hard cheese varieties with eyes, e.g. Gouda, Edam, Leerdam and Havarti.

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YO-FAST 88 Freeze-dried 200 u

The Yo-Fast® series contains blended strains in a concentrated frozen pellet form to produce yoghurt with unique flavor and body characteristics.

The culture will produce a fermented milk with very high body, mild flavor and minimal/medium post-acidification.

Suitable for stirred, drinking and frozen yoghurt.

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MICROLANT® Classic 750 coagulant (5 gal)

HANNILASE® XP 750 is a microbial coagulant, mucorpepsin, produced by submerged fermentation on a vegetable substrate with a select strain of the fungus Rhizomucor miehei kept under contained conditions and not present in the final product.

The product contains milk-clotting enzymes which are active on kappa-casein, resulting in curd formation.

It is widely used in the cheese industry as an alternative to bovine/calf rennet and Fermentation Produced Chymosin (FPC).

The high unspecific proteolitic activity of Rhizomucor miehei has significant influence on yield, flavor and texture development of cheeses compared to calf- and fermentation-produced chymosin.

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PRB 6 Liquid - Hyptonic 5 D

Blue mould in liquid suspension form for cheese production.

Direct inoculation of cheese milk.

We do not accept any liability in case of undue application.

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CHY-MAX® M 1000 coagulant 1 L

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