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MA 4002 Freeze-dried 25 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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MM 100 Freeze-dried 50 DCU

Freese-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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RA 21 Freeze-dried 125 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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MM 100 Freeze-dried 125 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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NEIGE Freeze-dried 10 D

Maturation/ ripening culture made up of Penicilium candidum spores.

Penicilium candidum is the ordinary name of Penicilium camemberti.

Direct inoculation of cheese milk.

Dilution for use in spray just before use.

We do not accept any liability in case of undue application.

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TA 50 Freeze-dried 125 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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MD 89 Freeze-dried 125 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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TA 52 Freeze-dried 125 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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MM 101 Freeze-dried 125 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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TA 61 Freeze-dried 125 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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RA 22 Freeze-dried 125 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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SR3 Freeze-dried 10 D

Aroma developing and coloring culture for cheese

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LM 57 Freeze-dried 20 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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RA 24 Freeze-dried 125 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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MA 4001 Freeze-dried 25 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and milk bases.

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LH 100 Freeze-dried 50 DCU

Freeze-dried concentrated lactic starter for the direct vat inoculation of milk and mil bases.

Store at temperature at 4 degrés in dry atmosphere.

When stored at negative temperature, keep the sachet at room temperature for 30 to 60 minutes before opening.

If not, the performance of culture is affected.

Prolonged exposure at room temperature will reduce is in powder form.

Add directly to the manufacturing milk as soon as the agitation blades of the vat are covered with milk.

Avoid foam and air introduction in the milk.

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GEO 13 Freeze-dried 10 D

Ferment d'aromatisation pour la fromagerie

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GEO 17 Freeze-dried 10 D

Maturation/ ripening culture made up of Penicilium candidum spores.

Penicilium candidum is the ordinary name of Penicilium camemberti.

Direct inoculation of cheese milk.

Dilution for use in spray just before use.

We do not accept any liability in case of undue application.

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YC-380 Freeze-dried 50 u

Thermophilic YoFlex® culture.

The culture will produce yoghurt with strong flavor, medium viscosity and some post-acidification.

Suitable for cup set, stirred and drinking yoghurt.

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PR1 Swing Freeze-dried 10 u

A selected single stain ripening culture with origin in traditional cheese making.

SWING® P.R.cultures are an essential ingredient in the ripening process of blue mold cheeses.

The cultures will upon germination develop a blue mycelium in the cheese and contribute to the typical flavor (by lipolysis) and texture (proteolysis) of the cheese.

The culture may be used in production of Danablu, Roquefort type, Stilton and other blue cheese types.

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LAF 5 Swing Freeze-dried 10 u

Selected yeast single strain with origin in traditional French cheese making.

SWING® LAF cultures are an important tool in cheese making since they may be used to affect curd neutralization, texture and flavor.

Yeasts are common in traditional raw milk cheeses but are rarely found in industrially produced cheeses.

Therefore adding selected and controlled yeast cultures to the cheese may improve quality.

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MM 101 Freeze-dried 250 DCU

A blend of defined strains of lactic bacteria for direct vat inoculation of milk, milk bases.

The culture is a freeze-dried powder.

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YoFlex Mild 1.0 Freeze-dried 50 u

Mesophilic aromatic culture, type LD.

The culture produces flavor and CO2.

This range provides cultures with fast acidification properties at a low inoculation rate.

The culture is primarily used in the manufacturing of Continental semi-hard cheese varieties with eyes, e.g. Gouda, Edam, Leerdam and Havarti.

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YF-L812 Freeze-dried 50 u

Thermophilic YoFlex® culture.

The culture will produce yoghurt with very mild flavor, extra high viscosity and very low post-acidification.

Suitable for cup set, stirred and drinking yoghurt.

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RA 26 Freeze-dried 250 DCU

Lyophilized lactic ferment concentrate for the direct inoculation of milk and milk bases

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