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BS-10 Frozen 65 u

Manufacturer: Chr Hansen
SKU: I200CCC0300

Mesophilic homofermentative lactic acid bacteria culture.

The culture offers the benefits of enhancing clean flavors as well as suppressing unwanted bitter flavors throughout shelf life due to nisin being one of the metabolites.

Nisin is a peptide produced by certain strains of Lactococcus lactis.

It possesses antimicrobial activity against several Gram-positive bacteria including spore-formers such as Clostridium sp.

and Bacillus sp.

BioSafe cultures are primarily applied in cheeses, particularly Dutch- and Continental-type cheeses.

In Feta and Cottage cheese, they can be used to suppress post acidification.

High concentrations of nisin can have a negative influence on the growth of Propionibacteriaceae.

In case of use in Swiss, Maasdammer or emmenthaler type cheeses, a validation of all culture combinations should be made prior to industrial use.

Any change in production parameters, ingredients and culture rotation might have an effect on the concentration of nisin produced and should also be validated before implementation.

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